Neurogen Services and Therapies
Explore the diverse range of services & therapies I offer and learn how they can cater to your individual needs.
Neurofeedback Therapy
Neurogen uses non-invasive neurofeedback to control and measure your brain waves. Through our patented technology, our objective is to re-balance your brain in a more healthful way.
Our Neurofeedback may help combat the effects of migraines in the face or neck and help with symptoms including light, noise, touch sensitivity, and intense pain / throbbing.
Neurogen helps to attack the root of biological and psychological symptoms of depression that include mood, apathy, social isolation, restlessness, loss of interest in activities, and sadness.
Neurogen aims to help the common symptoms of poor academic performance which include fear, nervousness, lack of motivation, stress, as well as dyslexia and dyscalculia.
Postpartum Depression
Our technology may be used to manage symptoms that include hopelessness, loss of pleasure in activities, restlessness, crying, fatigue, mood swings, panic attacks and difficulty bonding with your baby.
Our patented ADD and ADHD therapy may help manage the associated symptoms, which include aggression, excitability, impulsiveness, disorganization, trouble multitasking, persistent repetition of words or actions, short attention span, and learning disabilities.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Our neurofeedback technology protocol for traumatic brain injury may help to manage physical and mental symptoms, including confusion, blurry vision, concentration difficulty, amnesia, problems with speech, and dizziness or loss of balance.
Our patented neurofeedback technology may benefit clients that experience difficulty falling asleep, not feeling well rested, irritability, headache, and poor sleep habits.
Our scientific approach and protocol may help to manage the negative symptoms of real (or perceived) negative and harmful situations, including feeling overwhelmed, losing control, becoming easily agitated, low self esteem, worrying, racing thoughts, changes in appetite, and poor judgement.
Our state of the art protocols may aide in combating the symptoms of dysphagia, which include difficulty swallowing, odynophagia, regurgitation, frequent heartburn, unexpected weight loss, and coughing or gagging when swallowing.
Our patented OCD protocol may help to manage the common symptoms of obsessive compulsive order, which may include repeated, persistent, and unwanted thoughts, fear of contamination or dirt, having difficulty tolerating uncertainty, aggressive thoughts, constant washing, cleaning, checking, counting, and social isolation.
Our state of the art technology helps to aid in nightmares, unwanted memories, heightened reactions, flashbacks, and fear associated with traumatic experiences of events that lead to PTSD.
Our anxiety protocol aims to help the symptoms of anxiety which include feeling nervous or tense, sweating, increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, feeling weak or tired, trouble concentrating, hyper-vigilance, and nausea.
Our custom protocols may help to manage the symptoms of fibromyalgia, which include fatigue, cognitive difficulties, or widespread pain and tenderness in the muscles, abdomen, back, or neck, with pain ranging from chronic, sharp, severe, and diffuse.
Brain Stimulation Therapy
Our patented brain stimulation therapy involves activating the brain directly with very low amounts of electric impulses. These impulses are given non-invasively through electrodes placed on the scalp and may help to manage a variety of mental disorders.
Discover the power within you, with Neurogen Brain Balancing
Welcome to the extraordinary journey of your mind. Embrace the infinite possibilities that lie within you to unlock your true potential. Your story is just beginning and Neurogen Brain Balancing NL is here to guide you every step of the way.